Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Rationalists

The differences between the Puritans and the Rationalists are quite distinctive. The puritans are set on belief in god and creation. The believe in what they do not see whereas the rationalist don't believe in what they cannot see. The rationalists believe in the theory of things and the scientific view of things. Rationalists believed that society is ran by natural law. The puritans took importance in improvement they but they pleaded with God for it, and the rationalists believed they could take a scientific approach to self-improvement instead. Rationalist believed anything could be proved through science but the puritans believed that the rationalist philosophy went against god and his reason for things being on earth. The declaration of Independence was noted by rationalists, they believed everyone had the same rights but the purtians said that god gives everyone different rights.

Franklin was a a good example of a rationalist because he looked at things logically and scientifically. He made a list or chart of things that he could perfect in his life vs. the puritans who would just pray for self perfection.

Tolerance- Help me tolerate ignorance around me.
Patience-Not be so impatient with my kids and school
Kindness- Be more kind to people instead of being mean to break the ice
Love- Give more love to my family and friends
Giving- Give what i have to the more needy
Time allowance- Have more time for my kids and work.
Production- Be more Productive
Hardworking- Work harder
Organized- less messy
Slow down- Slow down and breath
Caring- Stop being so hard on myself and others
Forgiving- Forgive and forget

I think maybe you can have this list to be a guide, i don't believe that this will make you happy necessarily. Moral perfection in my book is when your happy with yourself and you love your life. Moral perfection though can not be reached because no one is perfect, only god is! If you believe a list will help you be happy and jolly then by all means go for it but a list may not work all people. The things you need to do are in your heart and soul, not on a piece of paper.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Puritans Lit.11

The Puritans' believed that until belief in god was established he was in no obligation to keep man from hell. They believed everyone was a sinner also believed as 'original sin'. Their theory explains that Jesus did not die for all and the ones he didn't die for were going to hell. To the puritans there was no way to earn gods grace and it wasn't up to anyone to try but the saints. A man Jonathon Edwards was chosen to interpret the word of god they way the puritans chose. Jonathon Edwards was noted to saying "Sinners in the hands of an angry god" this is the best known word of his philosophy
The Statement "Sinners in the hands of an angry god" comes across to me that they are saying basically god picks and chooses who he wants saved and who he "wants" to go to hell! I believe that god Lays down two paths we can take and its up to us to choose which one we want to follow.
I believe that he also gives us a chance to turn around and get on the right path whenever we need a.k.a Forgiveness. The statement made about that everyone is born a sinner is bogus because no child has done wrong when it has come out the womb, its impossible because sin is taught and learned from examples.
A child does not know right from wrong, the parents are supposed to teach them that. That goes to say that even a child that does know right from wrong in obedience or manners sense doesn't mean its a sin because he/she does not know the bible.

Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford, something that was interesting to me is the pact they made with the Indians. They set forth rules and regulations on how the Indians and the puritans would coincide with each other. There rules followed as this:"That neither he nor any of his should injure or do hurt to any of their people. That if any of his did hurt to any of theirs, he should send the offender, that they might punish him. That if anything were taken away from any of theirs, he should cause it to be restored; and they should do the like to his. If any did unjustly war against him, they would aid him; if any did war against them, he should aid them.
He should send to his neighbors confederates to certify them of this, that they might not wrong them, but might be likewise comprised in the conditions of peace. That when their men came to them, they should leave their bows and arrows behind them."
I feel that the puritans were trying to ensure that they would not be hurt or betrayed in material things. I believe this was smart and safe but also rude. I feel that the puritans came to the Indians land and that the treaty should have been in the Indians words and their rules.
One of the beliefs is Limited Atonement - Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone. Another belief is Total Depravity - through Adam and Eve's fall, every person is born sinful - concept of Original Sin.