Thursday, January 15, 2009


Mrs. Mallad had a heart problem so it would come to no surprise when her family and friends would have some hesitate to tell her that her husband has been killed. But though her family thought this would upset her, she actually realized that this is an opportunity to actually live her life to its fullest and with out someone telling her what to do. She accepted his death till she was to walked out of her room to find her husband walking through the door and dropped dead. They say it was from heart disease but it was from the let down of not having the before then promises of "Free! Body and soul free!". The story relates to realism by showing the yucky sticking statement that women may not always mourn when death comes upon their husbands due to their actions and its the reality of the situation that she was happy of his death. This doesn't show the all the good parts and none of the bad it shows what happens in real life. No one would imagine a widow being happy to hear of her husbands death, its the reality of life.
The social issue that this author was trying to explain is the fact that women back then might not of been happy. This story was to show men that their wives may not miss them when they are gone because of the way they are treated. This story may have its way of saying that this is the reality of a women's thoughts and ideas when she is being treated this way so men need to change or this is going to be the consequence.

4. Go further on this one to explain what you think Douglass' purpose was for writing this. Your response should be three paragraphs.
3. Provide a modern example of realism This can be music, a movie, a television show, a book, or whatever you may choose. You need to explain how it is realism, and provide an example from your choice (a lyric, description of a scene, quote, etc.)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dark Romanticism

I Believe I'm more anti- transcendentalism. Even though I don't believe everyone is necessarily doomed because Adam and eve screwed up. I believe that the bible says child birth will be painful and man will suffer painful toil. With all this he says man will not eat from the tree of life and live forever. He says man will know the difference between good and evil. It didn't say all man will be evil but will have a sinful nature. God later shows that we can be forgiven for those sins because he produced a son in is image and had him die so that we could be forgiven when man messes up. So, yes all men have sin inside of them because of Adam and eve(original sin). Although i do believe there are very good people out there and are very true and believe in god and his power, just that not all people are 100% good.
The masque of the red death
I loved the story and the concept of it. This story portrays the personification of the red death dressed with no form, that kills everyone. It read the prince as having shut everyone up in a abbey with seven apartments that color vary east to west.
Each one represents a stage in his life ,i believe, and in the end the seventh room is where he died.
The story shows how the dark romantics disagreed with the transcendentalist because the transcendentalist trusted that people could just shut out evil and bad things.Dark romantics believed transcendentalists tryed to shut out everything and believe everyone was good due to the voice of god in their head. This story portrayed the mockery of the transcendentalist by showing that no matter how hard to try and how much money you spend you can never beat death and there will always be evil.

The poem "The Raven" is about him losing someone that he loved and cared for deeply. The main theme is death and sadness. His hope is lost when the raven says "nevermore" to answer every question. His images of light and darkness go further to represent life and death, his hope of being with Lenore when he dies and his fear of being alone forever. It focuses on lost love, death, and loss of hope because he has lost everyone that he loves. He tortures himself because he keeps asking the raven questions even though he knows the answer will be "nevermore." I think that he feels that he will not be able to forget or replace how he felt about Lenore. One line that stuck out to me is "Till I scarcely more than muttered: "Other friends have flown before--On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before."Then the bird said "Nevermore."
He talks about how he feels everyone has left him so hes sure that the raven will as well. Hes scared to be alone and wants to be with Lenore. Another verse that stuck out was "And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted--nevermore!. I believe the man has realized that the to continue asking the raven question would be pointless so he just gives up because the only answer he will ever get is "nevermore".
This relates to anti-transcendentalism because the man in the poem is looking for answers from a voice in his head a.k.a. the raven. The voice is doubtful and depressing and that goes against the beliefs that the transcendentalists had. The transcendentalist said that the voice in your head is good and supporting this mans voice was not. An example of the negative voice would be found in the last section of the poem" And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted--nevermore!" The voice in his head continues to be negative with the word nevermore and this last verse represents the fact that he will never recover or not be lonely.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

American Romanticism

2. The story was particularly romantic because the points of imagination were drastically stated and the natures scenery was explained to a tee. The story promoted Rip Van Winkle, a common man, as doing great and tremendous things, this shows and yet proves this story is romantic. One example that proves this story being romantic is the fact that Rip Van Winkle had fallen asleep for ten years. This proves a great deal of imagination because other wise couldn't be done without it. The second example of this stories romanticism is the detail of nature. The way they celebrate it and explain it in so detail would explain romanticism.

3.I think the poem is talking about being one with nature as we all come to a time in our life when we die. Part of this poem explains that when we die we are all the same and just as good as the highest power of ruling. The poem explains a lot of death and nature. This poem says that you shouldn't be afraid to die because you must remember imagine a handful of people waiting buried in the ground for you to not be lonely. Basically the poem spends its words explaining that death is not lonely and to use your imagination to imagine the aspects and good things about dying. The poem is romantic in many ways. The poem begins off talking about nature and the gladness and beauty of it which is a characteristic of romanticism. The rest of the poem incorporates the characteristics of romanticism by showing imagination, celebration of nature and promotion of the common person.

4. This poem is a great example of romanticism because of the constant imagination. It has so many things going on that couldn't be done in real life. The point of the poem is to show a lot of imagination and to get your brain thinking about a lot of things . The images
that stand out to me are the human spiders spinning and spinning.

5.The picture shows the beauty of nature and the celebration of it, too. It shows how drastic it can be and how unpredictable nature is.

I chose this picture because it shows imagination, the woman with wings shows something that wouldn't be true in real life.